
November 05, 2016

Facts About Down Syndrome

Although Down syndrome is not a very uncommon condition, there are still several mysteries surrounding it. It is vital to consider the various aspects to know more about the right approaches that will lead to wellness. The truth is, there is no true known cure or preventive measure for Down syndrome, but there are certainly ways to cope better. 

Debunking Some Myths.

Most people believe that Down syndrome is a rare disorder. The fact is, it is not a rare disorder. Around 1 in every 700 babies born has Down syndrome, while more than 6000 babies with Down syndrome in the United States each year has the condition. Approximately more than 350,000 people in the United States are born with the condition. 

The second myth is that majority of children born with Down syndrome have older parents, age 35 years or older. The fact is, more than 80% of individuals with Down syndrome are born to mothers below 35 years of age. The average age of mothers of infants with the condition is 28 years old. 

Additional Myths.

Down syndrome is not treatable, according to several people and experts. There is actually no cure for Down syndrome. However, several treatments are available to alleviate associated problems and other signs and symptoms that arise with the occurrence. The approaches may be therapeutic in nature, involve alternative therapies, include physical therapy, medications and several others. 

Others also believe that individuals with Down syndrome also have severe mental retardation. The fact is, several individuals with the condition have either mild or moderate mental retardation. Individuals with the condition have around 30 to 60 IQ scores, with much variation. Having IQ scores is one thing, but what's more important to know is that Down syndrome patients are capable of learning. They may delay in developmental milestones, but it is very possible for them to catch up.

Benefits on Kids.

Another myth indicates that children with Down syndrome should be placed in a separate special education programs. The truth is, several children with Down syndrome in America are funneled into regular academies and schools. Regular classes are attended including special subjects. The school system, however, should give the best learning environment possible for every kid who needs special help. 

Some people think that Down syndrome patients cannot mingle with other individuals and that they have to live at home for life. In fact, majority of adults with Down syndrome reside in assisted living facilities and group homes. They also have functions, jobs and build romantic relationships with others. Therefore, they are emotionally stable.

On Life.

Some think that Down syndrome patients are always happy or are apathetic. They are actually experiencing a bunch of emotions like anger, happiness and sadness, just like any normal person. The average life expectancy of people with the condition at present is 50 years old. More and more people with the condition live longer lives.

About 25% of conceptions having trisomy 21 leads to stillbirth or miscarriage. About 85% of babies with Down syndrome live to the age of 1 year old. It is difficult to know whether parents can give birth to Down syndrome patients. Early diagnosis is important to develop coping and treatment measures quickly. Although the condition itself cannot be cured, several possible adverse effects and diseases can be prevented effectively. 

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